Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jurassic Park 4

To start off, I'm choosing a sequel I've seen a dozen times this past year.  The author of Jurassic Park passed away so that's probably why it hasn't been done yet.  However, Jurassic Park 3 wasn't based on any book and wasn't directed by Spielberg.  Also, the dinos in JP 3, the flyers, aren't really dinos.

However, there is rumors of JP 4 being in the making.  But I think this rumor has been going on for a decade, so I'll believe it when I see it.  Until then, I think there is enough of a story.

JP 3 featured pterodactyls that were flying somewhere.  Where?  Obviously JP 4 won't feature either of the first 2 islands, and the story line won't feature "Island C".  So, JP 4 should be set off somewhere where the dino's have learned to evolve and survive without human interaction.  I think JP 2 mentioned that they were able to survive without licence or something that should have killed them in 7 days, and JP 3, I think, showed eggs in the wild.  Dinos have evolved.

Personally, I'd like to see water dinos.  But what water dinos were there?  All I know is a very big whale.  So, only thing using this approach would be like sea serpents like loch ness.  I'd think that would be cool, but not really the feal of JP. 

So, the next thought would be - these dinos are evolving, but evolving unnaturally.  They are living in a different time then they should with different atmosphere and way into the future (65 million years?).  What would we humans do if we were visited by beings from 65 million years from now and were left in their time?  We wouldn't evolve like we would have normally because everything is different.

Would dinos build houses like the flintstones?  All buildings they know of they pretty much destroyed in JP 1.  JP 2 there was a t-rex that saw houses and a ship and whatnot, but I'm not sure this is something they'd be interested in.  They would be interested in violence though - guns, tranquilizers - I can't remember what other "violent" things humans introduced to them.  I think it was JP 2 where a human zapped a small dino and told his buddy "now dinos have something to fear from humans". 

Do I see dinos packing guns?  Nah.  The pterodactyls were flying to somewhere else so wouldn't just pick up guns and dinos learn how to use them.  But I can see them figuring out how to launch projectiles very fast to use against other dinos or humans (if they see them again).  Maybe a type of sling shot?  I'd think that would be too boring.  This is a branch in evolution that shouldn't have happened, so I'd think they'd come up with something very deadly that something humans haven't seen.  Nothing Star Trek type, but something that a human would think "Oh look, the dino has something in it's hands", which turns out to be something very deadly, never seen before.  Something that just looks crude but effective.
So, what's the story line?   The original cast is called back because there is trouble at see.  Sailors are reporting these monsters attacking their ships, both from the sea and the land.  One survivor states they looked like evolved dinos - but with modern weaponry.  Something to that effect.  The cast goes to this new uncharted place and find these dinosaurs that have evolved so much that it's shocking.  They have some sort of weaponry, maybe even some resemblance of a written language.  And maybe with this language humans are able to actually communicate with them. 

So, how would it end?  The scientists have to figure out a way to start reversing this super evolution that is going on, because if they don't, dinos will evolve another 65 million years in a couple decades.  Maybe they accomplish this by attempting to change the atmosphere over the island to something more prehistoric to slow down evolution.

Now, what about a cliff hanger to the next movie?  A mad scientist that joins the original cast is able to figure out how exactly dinos were evolving so fast and is able to figure out how to make himself start evolving at that rate.  Maybe in the mean time he befriends the dinos to add a storyline to the next movie. 

Stupid ideas?  Probably.  Any new dino movies I'd watch over and over again. 

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